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Step Feeder Machine


MSW Treatment System

Municipal solid waste (MSW) comes from urban and commercial activities in towns and cities. The composition of municipal waste varies according to the geographical location , climate, and the degree of economic and social development of different countries.

MSW is generally placed in black bags by residents. These garbage components mainly include cardboard boxes, plastics, newspapers, cards, textiles, glass bottles, metal and a small amount of electronic waste, and leftovers etc.

Traditional fill land and direct incineration methods have caused soil pollution and air pollution, and it do not conform to the concept of green environmental protection. Our company comprehensively use MRT technology to treat the MSW to  achieve waste reduction, resource utilization and harmlessness. Through the introduction of advanced German technology and the introduction of China high-end technical tengineer, our company constantly innovates and optimizes the production process to achieve different waste sorting treatment. Through the pre-treatment ofMSW, the comprehensive utilization of waste is realized.

Step Feeder Machine

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